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BIA: An Upside Down World (2021) me Titra Shqip

BIA: An Upside Down World (2021) me Titra Shqip

Feb. 19, 2021Argentina91 Min.TV-G
Vlerësimi juaj: 0
10 1 votë

Përshkrimi i Filmit

In this alternate world, Bia and Manuel will have a tempestuous relationship. Pixie, the hateful and stunning owner of Laix, decides to buy the Fundom. The great conflict erupts when Pixie announces a concert. This will have Bia and Helena, who in this upside down universe are divas and rivals, fighting to be the headliner in the final show.

Titulli origjinal BIA: Un Mundo al Revés
Vlerësimi IMDb 6.8 37 vota
Vlerësimi TMDb 7.9 96 vota

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